How to handle common medical emergencies

medical emergencies
Medical emergencies are life-threatening situations that need immediate treatment


Many people still do not know how to handle common medical emergencies. A medical emergency can strike at any time, and if you're prepared, you could save a life. Therefore, everyone should be capable of coping with minor medical situations until medical help arrives or you can get the person to a hospital.

Here are five medical crises to be aware of and how to handle them.

medical emergencies

1. Chest Pain/Heart Attack

Heart attacks and cardiovascular issues are the most common cause of death in the medical field. Therefore, knowing how to deal with them is crucial. The most common signs and symptoms of a heart attack are chest pain and discomfort, and shortness of breath. The other key signs of a heart attack are stomach discomfort, dizziness, sweating, pain in the neck and shoulders. Men and women have different symptoms. Men may have cold sweats and pain moving down into their left arm. Shortness of breath, stomach distress, dizziness, and fatigue are more common in women.

Do not panic if you see someone having a heart attack. If the patient is treated within the first hour and a half there is a chance of survival.

The first thing you should do is call 102 for an ambulance or the Medical Helpline Number 9830079999. Then give the patient an aspirin tablet to lower the danger of clot development. Also, remove the patient's tight clothing from around the chest and place him/her in a comfortable position. If the patient is unable to breathe properly or is unconscious, begin CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), which can double the patient's chances of survival. If you are unfamiliar with what to do you could contact the numbers given above and the medical team will lead you through the steps over the phone. At the very least, carrying out chest compressions is preferable to doing nothing.

Call 102 for an AMBULANCE or the Medical Helpline Number 9830079999

2. Head Injury

You have probably hit your head before. Because your skull is strong and protects your brain, most injuries are small. However, some head injuries can be more serious like a skull fracture, concussion, or traumatic brain injury. These are dangerous situations that need to be dealt with immediately. If not it can lead to brain damage or dysfunction. It is critical to recognise the indicators of a mild or severe head injury. Go to the hospital right away if the individual who has been hurt has:

  • A persistent or worsening headache
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Convulsions or seizures
  • Inability to get out of bed
  • One or both eyes have dilated (enlarged) pupils.
  • Speech that is slurred
  • Numbness or tingling in the arms or legs
  • Coordination problems

If there is bleeding, press one or more towels on the wound. If there is swelling then use ice packs on the swollen areas. Check to see if the patient is breathing properly. If the person is unconscious do not move them until medical treatment arrives.

3. Cuts and Bleeding

Cuts and wounds happen all the time, whether at home, school or at work. Most cuts can be treated with a first aid kit at home by cleansing the wound, killing germs with an antiseptic, removing any foreign material like a piece of glass, and then firmly covering the area with fresh gauze. Furthermore, if the bleeding does not stop, the cut may go deeper, requiring the doctor to suture (stitch) the wound. If you cannot get to the doctor right once, closely cover the cut to prevent blood loss until you go to the hospital. However, if the bleeding continues to be uncontrollable despite first-aid therapy, or if the underlying tissue or bone can be seen, or if there is an object within the incision, you should seek immediate medical attention.

4. Choking

Choking is a common emergency, particularly while someone is eating. It is a good indicator if a person is producing noises, such as coughing. They are breathing if they make any noises. However, if the person stops coughing and their face goes red, it becomes an emergency and requires immediate attention.

Instead of hitting the back, you should dislodge the obstruction right away. Hitting the back will only make the problem worse. Get behind the person and bend the head and shoulders forward, then wrap your hands around the stomach and place your fist above the belly button. Begin pushing firmly inwards and upwards. You can repeat it five times to ensure that the choking object is spilled. If it does not work, attempt to make the person vomit.

If a small child has swallowed something hold him/her upside down & knock them from the back hard, between the two shoulders.

5. Seizures & Fits

When someone is suffering a seizure or convulsion, they can exhibit a variety of symptoms. The symptoms are: body shaking, head jerking, dribbling or foaming at the mouth, eyes fluttering, and clamping of the teeth.

Another type of fit or seizure involves the person not moving or moving only a small portion of their body, and the person appears to look into space. When the person or child is in this state, he or she is less likely to respond when talked to.

If a person is having a seizure, it is critical to remember not to move them or try to stop them from jerking unless the situation is life-threatening. Get everyone out of the way for ventilation and ensure that there is nothing in the immediate surroundings that could harm the patient. Loosen the clothes, especially around the neck, and remain with them till the attack subsides

If a person is resting on their back after a seizure the tongue may become floppy and fall back into the airway. So, when the seizure subsides you should turn the patient on their side to make it easier for him/her to breathe. Above all, keep an eye on the time. It is critical to be able to inform the paramedics how long the seizure lasted. It is also, important to get medical help after a seizure to determine the source of the problem and receive the appropriate treatment.

There are also a few things you do to make sure you are prepared for an emergency:

  • Always keep your mobile phone with you:

    Put the phone on speaker when you call 102 or a medical emergency number. So that you can speak with the emergency personnel until help arrives.

  • Always have a well-stocked first-aid kit on hand:

    Have one in your house, in your vehicle, and so on.

  • If possible get a first-aid app on your phone:

    The Red Cross First Aid app is free to download from app stores. It provides videos and step-by-step instructions for dealing with a range of medical emergencies.

  • You could also enroll in a class:

    If possible take an online or in-person training offered by the Red Cross or another organisation to learn CPR and basic first-aid methods.


There are many different types of medical emergencies, but the ones mentioned above are the most typical. To deal with common emergencies you do not have to be a medical practitioner. However, it is important that you remain calm as this will allow your brain to think and act. Stress might cause you to forget things you already know. Keep your mind open, assess the problem, and come up with a solution.

medical emergencies

Author : Marina Kumar | Published On : 16th March, 2022


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